Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What's This: Showering Together??

Bettie had another scan of the gall bladder area this morning...nothing unusual found. The scan delayed her breakfast until 10:30, so when I arrived with Jordan at 12:15, she was resting in bed but had not eaten lunch. I let her continue the rest and just brought her lunch in, and fed her in bed. She ate well.

Jordan was with me for some planned "family shower training". Yea...that's what I thought at first too, but it wasn't that. We simply learned how to use a shower bench to get Bettie in and out of a tub shower. She did the bathing, we did the helping. When she was clean and dressed, Jordy and I left her with the speech therapist.

When I returned for dinner, the kitchen was pretty quiet. We are in the midst of sort of a changing of the guard at Acute Rehab Center. Two or three patients were discharged today, and tomorrow Bettie and her roommate Katie, get their parole. Actually, it is kind of a sad thing to break up this gang. There has been a real spirit of camaraderie among both patients and staff. For example, meal times just are not the same without Sandy, a wonderful big-hearted woman who has moved on to an assisted living facility in Seattle. Sandy alwyas kept the conversation going and was a great "straight man" for Katie's humor. Bettie and I will visit Sandy soon to check out her new home and show off whatever considerable new skills Bettie has by then. Looking forward to that, Sandy.

I tucked Bettie in for what is hopefully the last night that we will spend apart for a very long time. Home tomorrow!!


  1. Praying that all goes well with the homecoming, and that you have AC!

    Brother Jim

  2. Yes, indeed....Exciting day and hope the heat is not awful in your little area of the city!

    Congratulations on the trip home and all you have both accomplished.

    Continuing to pray that all goes well for you both!


  3. How hot is it???

    Ha ha...Dick, remember your story a few weeks ago about "what's Brown done for YOU lately?"

    My driver just dropped off a package, and on his way out, stopped his truck, got out, and let my sprinkler hit him full-on in the face a couple times. Head to toe!

    What have "I" done for Brown lately!!!


  4. I was surprised to read my name in your account of Bettie's progress. Everyone at the Rehab Unit loved Bettie and I agree we had a good group. I even consider the fall that took me there a lucky break.
