Saturday, July 18, 2009

Is This a Good Sign?

Yesterday, for the first time that I have been aware of in this adventure, Bettie got upset with me. Maybe it is a good sign, I don't know. (I had brought in the shoes the physical therapist had requested, a pair of Costco's best sneakers. They do have laces, as opposed to the more preferable Velcro, but they fit well and support her better than the slip-ons she was wearing for walking.)

In her room after lunch, I put the shoes on her, as she was going to have more PT later. There was nothing I could say or do, (other than not putting them on at all) that made it alright with her to wear those shoes. I explained all the benefits and how I was just trying to help...all that good stuff. She just sat there, in her Costco specials, and glared at the floor. When she finally looked up, her face said "Why did you do that to me?" What could I say?

Most of the time, dealing with stroke is just, well...hard. Occasionally, it is heartbreaking.

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