Friday, June 26, 2009

The Sound of Music

I'm grateful to report that there is no apparent degradation over the big advances we noted yesterday evening. We still have major movement possible in the right leg and she can still repeat back most any short phrase. For example we counted to five and she repeated back each number. I would have gone further, but it turned out to be time for a little nap. (Honey, where are your manners?)

The big deal today, that brought both Steve and I to tears, was seeing her reaction to a suggestion of his. Steve came up with the brilliant idea of letting her listen to old songs she would know, and which he had loaded on his iPod. The first was the theme from "Sound of Music". We were completely undone as we watched her mouth the words "The hills are alive with the sound of music...". Later she actually sang/hummed the song out loud ... something she never does. (Later we talked with a speech therapist and asked if this was a good thing to do, and she confirmed that it was.)

We were with her from 9 to 12 p.m., hoping to catch Dr. Heide on his rounds. Unfortunately, we didn't make contact with him this time, so we'll have to leave that report for later. She did have a head scan again today and his report will include that analysis.

We have now reached the 72-hour point. One doctor told us that at this point most of the critical changes have taken place, both positive and negative. From here on it is recovery and therapy to get back what has been lost. We'll see about that.

It would be wonderful to have someone with her when I need to attend to other things. I'm typically there from about 9 to 11 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m.

A big Thank You to everyone who as been so supportive. This is not something anyone should attempt alone.

I'll post more when I hear from the doctor or after the evening visit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi:

    Thinking of you all in thought and prayer.

    Just found it amazing that I heard on the radio yesterday of a research report that validates the music-stroke connection you may have noticed. Researchers have found that opera with the soaring highs and lows affects the body in a most favorable way. But, all music seems to have a theraputic affect on the stoke patient!

    keep that music going!

