Friday, March 26, 2010

Moving On, Part 2 (of 2)

In last week's post I said I would tell you how I got "here". I now realize that is exactly what I have been doing in the previous 109 posts. This is now getting to be too much about me. Enough already!

So, sorry to say...this is it for Bettie's Challenge. Even I am saddened by the prospect of ending this relationship with what I described as "my mistress" way back last June. (See "Oh Dear, Dick has Taken a Mistress"). However, the reason my son Steve and I created this blog in the first place was this:
Posting this information here is intended to help her many concerned friends get the latest update, while saving those of us directly affected from having to field and respond to multiple inquires each day. (See "About This Blog")
That issue has now long past. As a matter of fact, I would now welcome multiple inquires each day, should you care to make them. The "rest of the story", to quote the late Paul Harvey, is worth telling...but in an appropriate time and setting, and this public blog is neither of those. Privately, one-on-one, with dear friends who have loved and supported me through this, would be fine. Especially those who have prayed for me, my family, and our deserve to know that your prayers have been and are being answered...really.

If you have been helped, moved, inspired, or even entertained on occasion, I'm honored to have been gifted by our creator to do that. Of course the biggest honor goes to Bettie, who fought the good fight and overcame her challenge in so many inspiring ways, I'm overcome myself, just thinking of it.

In closing, here are three methods to inquire, comment, or otherwise maintain contact. Choose one that suits you:
  • At the top of the list of favorite means of communication is what Bettie would have done: a personal hand-written note or card, addressed to:

    • Bettie's Challenge
      82 NW Lopez LN
      Bremerton, WA 98311
      (You will receive a personal note in return)

      • If you would like to personally correspond with just me. Address your message to and I will respond. If you would like a phone call, send me your number and a good time to make contact.

      • And of course, as always, at the bottom of this (and each) post is a comments section. Click there to read other's comments or to add your own. They are public, of course, but putting your heart out there is not such a bad thing, I've survived it and you probably will too. (Even if you don't care to post a comment, you will enjoy reading the comments of others. I may add comments of my own, in fact.)
      I'm eternally grateful for your many months of care, prayers, and support. Just knowing you faithful readers are there has been an enormous comfort. Thanks and blessings to you.


      1. I knew this had to come to an end, but on hearing the reality of it I found myself feeling really sad. I think I realized that the blog has kind of been a small way to maintain a connection with mom and it sort of feels like another loss to have this go away too. It has been such an encouragement to read and re-read the posts and everyone's comments. I will miss it.

      2. I will miss it, too. I hope you will consider starting up a different blog. I enjoy your writing.


      3. Bettie's Challenge is over for which I am glad for her. While she is no longer suffering we continue to in our own way.

        As for you, please keep writing. You have experienced tremendous healing through the writing process. Whether you choose to write a memoir or journal your new adventures it can be an important keepsake for your decendants to come.

        Thank you for sharing.

      4. I have enjoyed the sharing you have done with us all and have learned a lot about myself from it. I will miss it but will continue to pray for you and your family. I know you all miss Bettie each and every day but she will always be with you. Take care of yourself. I still consider this a great love story.
        God bless you.

      5. Thanks for sharing Bettie and your story with us, but you are right - "Bettie's Challenge" has come to an end. We all were encouraged by your posts -- something that most people do not get the opportunity to really know what is going on in someones head while going through such a life-changing event. I have no doubt that there are good things still to come your way. Keep writing - you have a tremendous talent. Maybe the title of your next blog can be "Dick's Realization"...Google it! ;-)


      6. Dick, I hope you will continue to keep us updated on your family. It is important to us that knew her, to keep up with her family. Continue to share with us what is happening in your lives.
